




Iranian Rabbi Date is one of most popular types of Iranian dates. Persian Rabbi date belongs in the semi-dried date category with dark brown color and a thin skin.


Rabi date is one of the most famous dates of Sistan and Baluchistan province, it can be said that Rabi date is special for this province and it is cultivated in several cities and in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) this date has been registered with the name of this province. Among them: Chabahar, Saravan, Iranshahr, Zabul, Khash, Delgan and Houdian. In terms of quality, the best type of Rabi date is cultivated in Houdian region and has high quality.

Due to its low humidity, Rabi dates are considered to be dates with a long shelf life, and this has caused it to not face problems such as the need for cold storage in terms of storage. It is harvested in the middle of September and continues until October.

Rabi dates are the earliest among all Iranian dates, and their sweetness is less compared to Mozafati dates, and it is suitable for those who like dates with medium sweetness. Rabi dates are known in the world as Pakistani dates because a large percentage of these dates are sent to Pakistan and a lot of exports are made from there. While it is harvested exclusively in Iran.

Rabi dates are rich in minerals, iron and many nutrients. The fiber in it is useful for regulating the digestive system and prevents constipation. It is full of antioxidants that help regulate blood pressure and control stress and prevent blood clots. It contains natural sugars. Like lactose, fructose and glucose, it is low, and it is also beneficial for bone health due to the presence of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, manganese and selenium.

This date has a large and elongated fruit with flesh, purple color tending to black, shiny, transparent and thin skin are other characteristics of Rabi dates. Due to the flesh sticking to the skin, this date can be washed easily. Low moisture and long shelf life are special features of this date, this date has a very high fiber, so it is suitable for athletes and people who are on a weight loss diet. Rabi has a shelf life of 12 to 18 months at room temperature and remains healthy.











