




Mazafati dates are cultivars of palm trees. This type of date is grown mostly in the southern parts of Iran. The color of fresh Mazafati dates range from dark brown to black. This type of date is the most common type of date for table eating and snacking.


Kimia dates, which are also known as Mazafati, are originally grown in Iran but they have been transferred to China and they are cultivated in there too. The moisture level of Mazafati dates depend on the harvesting time. Iranian Mazafati dates harvesting time depends on the preference of the producer and starts in early August, lasting to the end of October.

Mazafati dates are categorized in different grades depending on their moisture and size, for example: (700-750 gr.)- (600-650 gr.)- (500-550 gr.), …. Mazafati date is famous in the world for its excellent taste and it is known as one the best types dates. This type of date has a high nutritional value and is considered as a great healthy snack.

Mazafati dates are available in the market in three forms:

– Fresh Mazafati dates with high humidity percentage, also known as Rotab Mazafati. This type of mazafati dates have about 25 to 30% moisture.

– Semi-dried mazafati dates which have about 20 to 25 percent moisture.

– Dried Mazafati dates with a maximum moisture of 16%.

The main origin of Mozafati date is Bam city in Kerman province. With the production of 120,000 tons of water per year, the city of Bam offers the best additional water in the world. The connection between Rutb and the city of Bam is so unbreakable that the name of this Rutb has always been merged with the name of the city of Bam and it has become famous among the people under the name of Rutb Mozafati Bam.

The villages of Jiroft, Narmashir, Barvat, Regan, Kohnuj, Hajiabad and Saravan also provide routabs with a quality similar to Bam routab. But still no rutbi reaches around the feet of rutb Bam. It is interesting to know that Mozafati dates are harvested in Hajiabad in the form of spikes and bunches, and it is known as Mozafati khark due to its special sour taste. Mozafti dates are oval in shape and have a soft and juicy texture.

The moist skin is black in color, shiny, smooth and thin. This skin is easily separated from the moist meat. The blacker the color of the additional liquid, the more people are willing to buy it, but the color of the liquid is not black from the beginning. Ritb is red at first and gradually turns light brown and then dark brown. Finally, it turns into a very deep purple and black color. Unlike most other dates such as Kabkab, Khasowi and Pyaram, the core of this date is separated from the flesh.

It is interesting to know that Mozafati dates in Jiroft and Saravan regions have a more bitter appearance compared to Retb Bam, and you can distinguish between Retbs of different cities with this characteristic. A unique feature for extra moisture is the abundance of potassium in this moisture. That is why this liquid is recommended to treat potassium deficiency. Most of Iranian people buy this date during Ramadan, because each of its pieces can increase a person's ability to endure hunger. Nowadays, with the increase of working hours, people can spend less time to eat lunch.

In this situation, by consuming a few seeds of this date, the energy of the body can be provided for long hours. The abundant moisture present in this date has transferred this product from the dried fruit category to the food category. One of the important reasons for consuming this water in Ramadan is its effect on relieving fatigue caused by fasting. The effect of extra dates on the treatment of insomnia and lack of sleep has also been proven.

Also, in addition to treating swelling of the eyelid, Mozafati palm kernel ointment helps in the growth of eyelashes. In addition to these, Mozafati dates are considered the elixir of youth. The reason for this name is the unique effect of this date on the beauty of skin and hair.









