




Khassui dates are one of the most famous types of dates produced in Iran, which are grown with the highest quality in Bushehr province. This product has a very reasonable price due to its very small size.


Khassui date is one of the smallest types of dates, which is known as Khassui date among local people, but it is also known as plum date in other date-growing areas. This type of date has a small stature and a shape similar to okra sweets. But in terms of taste, it is similar to Pyaram dates, which has a pleasant and appropriate taste compared to other dates. When buying special dates, be careful that the ripe type has a light brown color and its nature is hot and dry.

From this point of view, its use is recommended for people who are cold and have a cold temperament. Also, the skin of the date is very thin and is completely attached to the flesh of the date. It should be noted that Khasavi dates are classified as moist dates and therefore have a lot of juice. This type of export date has many fans in the Persian Gulf countries and other European countries, but it has remained unknown in our own country due to the variety of dates produced. Recently, by advertising and introducing this very sweet product as sugar dates, it has found a good place among consumers.


