
Canned Foods


Ghormeh Sabzi Stew


Maybe it has happened to you that a food talks to you!!! It has such a good fragrance and appearance that it tells you about life and happiness!! Let me say without preamble that Ghormeh Sabzi is one of these dishes.


Ghorme Sabzi Stew has many accents. In fact, this very delicious food is cooked in different ways in different regions of Iran. For example, in Azerbaijan, pinto beans or sometimes nightshades are often used to cook Ghorme Sabzi, and the vegetable stew of Qorme Sabzi is not fried as much as in Tehran and its surrounding cities. In addition, due to the use of a lot of tomato paste as a seasoning, the color of Qormah Sabzi stew often turns red.

But in Tehran, you can find another type of vegetable stew. In these cities, to prepare this sweet darling! Red beans are used and its vegetables are also fried completely. Therefore, the color of this type of green vegetable stew is black and very dark green. Cooking Ghorme Sabzi has been popular in Iran since ancient times and it can almost be said that it has preserved its originality. The vegetable quorme that Iranians cook now is not much different from the quorme sabzi of ancient Iranian nomads, who cooked this dish using lamb's ear, salt, and vegetables such as leeks.


