
Canned Foods


Gheimeh Stew


It is interesting to know that Gheimeh is one of the most popular Iranian dishes that is cooked in almost all parts of Iran. However, the types of ghee that are preferred and prepared in different places can be different. For example, Azari ghee stew, Nisar ghee, potato Gheimeh stew or Yadmjan ghee, etc., are different types of Gheimeh, which generally all have cobs and meat as the main elements.


But perhaps the most delicious and popular type of Gheimeh stew is potato Gheimeh stew. This healthy and valuable food that consists of: cotyledons Veal Hot onion or fried onion Omani lemon Sliced potatoes tomato paste salt and pepper and spices such as turmeric and especially cinnamon It can be found in all restaurants serving Iranian food and in all traditional food online stores.

Among the properties of potato stuffing stew, we can say: The energy content of ghee stew alone is equal to 1100 kilocalories. In case of using pilaf (it's delicious smoked!!) besides that, the amount of 400-500 kcal is increased, and the addition of potato slices also adds about 400 kcal. From this paragraph, it can be seen that after eating a meal of ghee stew, there is no need for a heavy second meal! Especially if fitness is involved. But for growing children and thin people, potato stuffing stew is one of the best options.


