




The apple tree is a deciduous tree from the Golsarkhian family, which is known for its sweet and fleshy fruit. All over the world, this tree is cultivated for its fruit and is the most widely grown species of Malus genus. The origin of this tree is Central Asia; where its wild species, Malus Siversi, is still found today.  


The apple tree is a deciduous tree from the Golsarkhian family, which is known for its sweet and fleshy fruit. All over the world, this tree is cultivated for its fruit and is the most widely grown species of Malus genus. The origin of this tree is Central Asia; where its wild species, Malus Siversi, is still found today. After thousands of years of cultivation in Asia and Europe, apples were brought to North America by European immigrants.

Apple has a high religious and mythological importance in some cultures; including the culture of Scandinavians, Greeks and old European Christians. Sib is also one of the main sin of Haftsin. Apple trees from seed planting are large, but trees from root grafting (underground stem) are small. There are more than 7,500 known apple cultivars, resulting in a wide range of desirable characteristics. Different cultivars are grown for different tastes and uses including cooking, raw consumption and wine production.

Apple trees are usually propagated by grafting, although wild apples are simply grown from seed. Apple trees and fruit are susceptible to a number of fungal and bacterial pests that can be controlled by organic and inorganic methods. In 2010, in part of the research that was done for disease control and selective breeding of apple, the genome of this fruit was decoded.

In 2018, about 86 million tons of apples were produced worldwide; China produced approximately 45% of this amount. The United States has been the second most important producer with more than 6% of the world's production. Turkey took the third place, followed by Italy, India and Poland. Apples are usually eaten raw, but they are also used in many foods (especially desserts) and drinks.

Among the common people, many positive effects are attributed to apples. However, different proteins in apples cause two types of allergies. The center of diversity of the genus Malus is in eastern Türkiye. The apple tree is perhaps the oldest planted tree, and its fruit has been refined through selection over thousands of years. The discovery of small apples in Kazakhstan in 328 BC has been attributed to Alexander.

The apples he brought back to Macedonia may have been the ancestors of short underground stems. Winter apples, picked in late fall and stored at above-freezing temperatures, have been an important food in Asia and Europe for thousands of years.

Apples were brought to North America by settlers in the 17th century, and the first fruit orchard on the North American continent was planted in Boston by Reverend William Blackstone in 1625. The only apple native to North America is the crab apple, which was once called the country apple. Various apples brought from Europe in seed form were planted both along the routes of Native American traders, and spread in colonial plantations.

In 1845, a catalog of an American apple store advertised 350 different varieties of the "best apples"; This shows the proliferation of new varieties in North America in the early 19th century. In the 20th century, irrigation projects began in Eastern Washington, which led to the expansion of a multi-billion dollar fruit industry, and the main product of this industry was apples. Until the 20th century, farmers stored their apples in cold-proof cellars during the winter for their own use or for sale.

The advanced transportation ability of fresh apples, by train and by road, replaced the need for storage. In the 21st century, long-term storage became popular, as controlled environment facilities were used to keep apples fresh throughout the year. Environment-controlled locations use high humidity, low oxygen, and controlled levels of carbon dioxide to preserve fruit freshness.




