
Iran is the third best exporting country to Armenia

Date of Release: 2023-03-16



Trade Development Organization, the head of Trade Development Organization announced: In a one-day trade workshop with Armenia to familiarize businessmen with the aim of introducing the market of Armenia and the commercial center of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Yerevan, pointing out that Armenia imports the most from Iran after Russia and China. , stated: Now the amount of exports to Armenia is 437 million dollars, and according to the trade plan between the two countries, it should reach 3 billion dollars.

Alireza Peyman Pak, referring to the very favorable political relations between Iran and Armenia and the determination of the two governments to promote trade and complete negotiations for a free trade agreement with Eurasia, emphasized: Armenia is the only Eurasian member country that shares a common border with us and is able to play a role As a bridge between Iran and the market of this union

He also stated that the capabilities of our country in the field of technical and engineering services and the capacities of Iranian companies to participate in technical and engineering projects in Armenia in the fields of road and construction, renewable energy, dam construction and irrigation systems have created a good opportunity for the activists of this sector to be present in Armenia. He stated: Gas and electricity exchange, the presence of our car manufacturers in Armenia, the production of industrial products, especially Iranian household appliances, in the form of joint production, holding various exhibitions, building a refinery, etc., are all among our joint programs with Armenia.

The Deputy Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade also mentioned the establishment of Iran's commercial center in Yerevan and added: Our commercial center in Armenia is very active and dynamic. The most important factor that we follow in business centers, and of course this business center benefits from it, is a strong, large and suitable partner in the target country.

The head of the Trade Development Organization further pointed out and emphasized the issue of industrial partnerships: the discussion of the free zone, joint industrial towns and the discussion of creating production lines in Armenia by using the capacities of this country can help the development of the trade of both countries.
